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We also offer internships and encourage DoD Skillbridge applicants.

    * Required

    Chemical Sector
    Commercial Facilities Sector
    Communications Sector
    Critical Manufacturing Sector
    Dams Sector
    Defense Industrial Base Sector
    Emergency Services Sector
    Energy Sector
    Financial Services Sector
    Food and Agriculture Sector
    Government Facilities Sector
    Healthcare and Public Health Sector
    Information Technology Sector
    Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste Sector
    Transportation Systems Sector
    Water and Wastewater Systems Sector
    Cybersecurity/Information Assurance
    User Experience/User Interface
    IT Architecture
    Illicit/Counterthreat Finance
    Enterprise Security Risk Management
    Executive Protection
    Data Analytics
    Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
    Regional Expertise
    Risk Management
    Workplace Violence

    Blue Glacier personnel have over 40 years of combined intelligence and security experience, in both the public and private sectors.  Our personnel and company are also active members of ASIS International, the leading organization for security professionals worldwide; InfraGard, a partnership between the FBI and the private sector; the Association of International Risk Intelligence Professionals; the Intelligence and National Security Alliance, and the International CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) Association.  Blue Glacier is also a constituent in the U.S. State Department’s Overseas Security Advisory Council, established to promote security cooperation between American private sector interests worldwide and the U.S. Department of State.

    Seal for International Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Association